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Tuesday- Saturday

Showing: 1 - 10 of 22 RESULTS
- FAQs

How does Shockwave work for cellulite?

Sound waves stimulate the microcirculation within the fat layer, increasing the metabolic function of the area and increasing cellular membrane permeability. Free fatty acids and glycerol are released from the …

- FAQs

What is 3D-LIPO?

3D-LIPO is a non-surgical fat reduction and inch loss treatment that aims to alter body shape using fat removal, skin tightening and cellulite reduction. It allows you to target specific …

- FAQs

What does 3D-Lipo involve ?

3D-LIPO is a process of treatments which is tailored to the individual depending on their needs. A 3D-LIPO treatment may consist of up to four different types of treatments to …